Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Mystery Civilization

Harappan Civilization
Harappan civilization is known for it’s town planning mostly. Some of it’s most famous sites are Dholavira, Mohenjodaro and Lothal.
I have always been fascinated by the ancient civilizations and the lives of the people in those bygone eras. On the day of the school visit to the national museum I was extremely excited and once there, despite warnings could not resist touching one of the artifacts. The next thing I knew was that we are going to get  of homework. As we reached and entered the gate we saw a huge Temple Chariot that was as huge as a elephant. Then we entered the exsebit where the Harappan Civilization archelogical and literary sources were kept. Over there we met the curator who told about the history of the civilization.  We saw the first sign board of the world made at the time of harappan civilization.

Indus Valley people made small figurines of people and animals using different types of metal and clay. We saw the dancing girl sculpture which was found in Mohanjodaro. Only few of them are left at the indus valley. They are the dancing girl, Preist king with his beard and his patterned robe. The people made animal figurines with clay .
Trade and technology
People of Mohenjodaro probably lived by trade virtually .They grew excess of crops which they traded for other things required for everyday life. They also traded with other civilizations which is evident from the seals found there. Also a number of different stones such as the lazuli ,lapiz ,jade speak of a florishing trade. Metals found in countries like afghanistan,Iran were also found in The Indus Valley during excavations.
Technology also did not lag behind . Boats which sailed to Mesopotamia are a sure shot proof ! Also ,the seals of different civilizations tell us about the trading techniques.Scales and stones of different weights explain how the weighing of different things was done then.Better tools to grow crops and harness animal labour were being made.Town Planning is an integral part of the Indus Valley Civilization.All streets crossed each other at right angles and had a proper drainage system.The houses could be up to two floors. This sort of planning is unheard of in any other civilization.

from being hunters and gatherers ,the age of growing had come.People now grew cereals ,fruits to cater to their new lifestyle. Agriculture brought with it the requirement of animal labour. Skeletons found in the indus valley suggest (due to their teeth) that people ate less meat and more of fruits and veggies. Also a large structure found at mohenjodaro is estimated to be a Granary ,to store surplus grains.Of Course ,this is an assumption cause no one is alive to tell us the truth !

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